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Insulation Creme

For Effective and Long Lasting Protection


A Masonry Solution That Gives You 

Effective Invisible Insulation



ProPERLA Masonry Crème does not restrict the ability of the building to breathe. Water vapour permeability testing was conducted in accordance with BS EN ISO 7783:2011 and it demonstrated that the coating had little effect on the water vapour diffusion of the substrate.

Application of ProPERLA Masonry Crème protects the walls and cavities by keeping them dry whilst allowing air and moisture to escape. It maintains the important capability of the building envelope to breathe. Unlike some stone and brick sealing products, it does not block the pores of the masonry by coating them with a thin film.

Water Repellent

A surface is considered super hydrophobic if a water droplet beads up (with a contact angle greater than 140⁰ and the droplets can slide aware from the surface readily (it has a small contact angle hysteresis). Super hydrophobic surfaces repel water, causing it to form beads because it is more attracted to itself than the surface. This means water will run off the surface making it extremely difficult to wet.

This is known as the ‘lotus effect’ due to its similarity to the lotus leaf but is also seen on duck feathers and butterfly wings.

Substrates coated with ProPERLA Masonry Crème will respond in the same way – water will form droplets and won’t penetrate the substrate. Independent testing has shown that it reduces water absorption by 96.3% and meets the British standard for water vapour resistance BS EN ISO 7783:2011.

Self Cleaning

By diminishing water absorption, ProPERLA Masonry Crème has been proven to reduce soluble salts migrating from bricks and mortar thereby preventing unsightly deposits of salt efflorescence. Whilst salt efflorescence is generally considered an aesthetic problem , it does have the potential to cause structural damage, such as the erosion of mortar joints, known as sulphate attack.

ProPERLA Masonry Crème does not alter the appearance of the building, it helps to maintain and protect the natural beauty of the masonry;

  • It mimics the lotus leaf by creating a super hydrophobic, self cleaning surface. Dirt particles are unable to obtain a hold on ProPERLA treated surfaces and will simply flow off with rainfall.

  • The growth of moss, algae and lichens is deterred.

  • Slows the ageing or breakdown of the surface of the building by helping to protect it from the damaging effects of the weather including wind driven rain, frost, high air humidity and sea salt penetrated air.

  • Performance is unaffected by UV rays

UK - Masonry Creme

UK - Masonry Creme

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